Rock Concert
April 3, 2030
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Rock Concert
April 3, 2030
This is your Upcoming Event Description. Use this space to provide more details about your upcoming event like where it’s located, when it begins and ends, and who it’s geared towards.
Rock Concert
April 3, 2030
This is your Upcoming Event Description. Use this space to provide more details about your upcoming event like where it’s located, when it begins and ends, and who it’s geared towards.
College - Theatre Events
Junie B Jones:
Toothless Wonder
By Allison Gregory
Directed by Alicia Hall
Friday, September 27 at 7 p.m.
Saturday, September 28 at 4 p.m.
Sunday, September 29 at 2 p.m.
Mainstage Theatre
All Tickets: $5​
Buy one ticket, get one free opening night,
Friday, September 27
Junie B. Jones is having a rough day -- no, scratch that, a rough week! First off, she is about to lose her first tooth, and what does the Tooth Fairy do with all those teeth anyway? Even worse, everyone in her class has been invited to her classmate Jim's birthday ... except for her. Will Junie land that surprisingly elusive invitation? And if her tooth comes out, what will she even look like? Visit Junie's charming and witty world as we learn together what it means to grow up and fit in.
Recommended for grades K-5.
Please Note: Special School Group Matinee
Friday, September 27 at 10 a.m.
Special Offer for School Groups:
$2.50 per student. Teachers are FREE!
contact the JLC Box Office for more information at (847) 543-2300.
The Play That Goes Wrong
By Henry Lewis, Jonathan Sayer
and Henry Shields
Friday & Saturday, Nov. 8 & 9 at 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, Nov. 10 at 2 p.m.
Thursday-Saturday, Nov. 14, 15 & 16 at 7:30 p.m.
Studio Theatre​​
General Public: $10
CLC/Teen/Seniors: $8
Buy one ticket, get one free opening night,
Friday, Nov. 8 and Thursday, Nov. 14.
"Hilarious...nonstop pandemonium." -- Entertainment Weekly
The Opening night of a classic murder mystery goes disastrously wrong and the results are an explosion of comic genius. With a ramshackle set, an unconscious leading lady, a corpse that can't play dead, and actors who trip over everything--including their lines--"The Play That Goes Wrong" is guaranteed to leave you aching with laughter!