Rock Concert
April 3, 2030
This is your Upcoming Event Description. Use this space to provide more details about your upcoming event like where it’s located, when it begins and ends, and who it’s geared towards.
Rock Concert
April 3, 2030
This is your Upcoming Event Description. Use this space to provide more details about your upcoming event like where it’s located, when it begins and ends, and who it’s geared towards.
Rock Concert
April 3, 2030
This is your Upcoming Event Description. Use this space to provide more details about your upcoming event like where it’s located, when it begins and ends, and who it’s geared towards.
James Lumber Center
Box Office
Phone: (847) 543-2300
Fax: (847) 543-3077
Call the Box Office at (847) 543-2300
(Advance credit card purchases only)
In Person
Room P112
19351 W. Washington Street
Grayslake, IL 60030
Box Office Hours:
Monday – Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The JLC Box Office is open 2 hours prior to all James Lumber Center performances.
To purchase tickets during this time,
please call the Box Office: 847-543-2300
Email the JLC Box Office at:
James Lumber Center Staff
Alisa Baum
Executive Director
Production Manager
Marketing and Communications Coordinator
Patron Services Coordinator
Assistant to the Executive Director
Pete Hansen
Technical Production Assistant
​Alyssa Jean-Pierre
Box Office Assistant